ROOT 7-7-7

ROOT 7-7-7

Total Nitrogen (N) 7%
Urea Nitrogen (NH2N) 7%
Total Phosphorus Pentaoxide (P2O5) 7%
Water Soluble Phosphorus Pentaoxide (P2O5) 7%
Water Soluble Potassium Oxide (K2O) 7%


It can be safely used from the 3rd and 4th day of plant seedling to the end of harvest.
Provides healthy root growth.
Promotes healthy and strong plant growth.
Organic substances in Root 7-7-7 consist of free amino acids and proteins.
Majority of these proteins and amino acids are in water soluble form, as long as they
are compounds of nitrogen and some micro minerals.
Amino acids and proteins form the structure of enzymes that regulate physiological
mechanisms of plants. Due to its structure, when applied to plants, it regulates all
physiological actvities that occur and helps plants getting rid of the stress caused by
various external factors.
While helping the plants to have strong structure, it allows a uniform structure both in
flowering and fruit formation.
When applied to soil, it directly situmulates the root development of the plant.
It promotes beneficial micro-organisms activities in soil.
It can be safely applied in every stage of the growth period of plants.
